MedSafe at Lewisburg Pharmacy
At Lewisburg Pharmacy, we recognize that prescription drug abuse is a growing problem and one that affects all communities. This is why we are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Sharps Compliance, Inc to combat the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse by providing solutions to safely dispose of opioid painkillers and other unused medications.
Inside our pharmacy you will find a MedSafe® drug collection and disposal receptacle where you can safely and anonymously dispose of unused or expired medicines and controlled substances.
How It Works
Simply bring in your unused pills to our pharmacy and drop them into our Sharps Compliance MedSafe — it’s bright blue, so you can’t miss it. This receptacle provides a safe, cost-effective and convenient way to dispose of potentially dangerous drugs. It keeps them out of the hands of young people, helps to prevent prescription drug abuse, and keeps our water supply safe.